
Waterfalls and dolmens of Zhane river (Vozrozhdenie village)

The Zhane River Valley is located at the suburbs of Gelendzhik, in Vozrozhdenie villag. Along the channel of the beautiful river you can see waterfalls and several unusual dolmens. The Zhane Valley is also famous for the fact that large festivals of positive creativity, which are held here every year. This place has been chosen by followers of various spiritual practices, who are sure that the Zhane Valley is a “place of power”. Therefore, it is easy to meet barefoot women in long skirts or men unshaven for several months here.

Chateau de Talu winery

The terroir of Chateau de Talu is uniquely located in the city of Gelendzhik, on the same parallel with Bordeaux and Piedmont, premium winemaking zones. Translated from French, Chateau de Talu means “Castle on the slope”. The building is designed in a medieval style, which was developed by European architects from France and Italy. Today, this is the largest modern winery on the Black Sea coast, built from scratch. The chief winemaker of the enterprise is Frank Duseigneur – French oenologist and wine expert.

Safari Park

A rehabilitation center for animals with a large zoo, including a contact zoo. The huge territory of the park along the Marothk ridge with freely moving animals can be viewed by going up the cable car. The length of the cable car is longer than in the Olymp Park. At the top of the ridge there is also an area where you can walk in the shade of the tree crowns and see an ancient dolmen.
